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The Performance of Talang Ilo Farmers' Group in Rice Farming (Case Study in Dusun Besar Village, Singaran Pati District, Bengkulu City)
Satria Putra Utama, Reswita Reswita, Tika Mardiyanti

Last modified: 2022-08-28


The aims of this study were:1) to measure the performance of the Talang Ilo farmer group in carrying out its function as a teaching and learning class, a vehicle for cooperation, and an agricultural production unit; 2) to know the characteristics of respondents that affect the performance of farmer groups. The population in this study were all members of the Talang Ilo farmer group as many as 30 farmers. The determination of respondents is done by the census method. The level of performance of farmer groups was measured using the Guttman Scale and analysed descriptively. The respondent's characteristic factors on the performance of farmer groups were analysed using multiple regression analysis. Overall, the Talang Ilo farmer group in carrying out its duties has not been in accordance with its function. The average result for the category of performance of the Talang Ilo farmer group is 39, with the category of poor performance. Of the three indicators to measure the performance of farmer groups: a learning class in the low category; a production unit in the medium category; and the Cooperation vehicle included in the high category. The results of the data analysis showed that the factor that influenced the performance of the farmer group was Education which had a significant effect on the level of performance of the Talang Ilo farmer group in Dusun Besar Village.

Keywords: Performance, Farmers Group, Rice Farming, Guttman Scale, Regression.