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Hamzah hamzah

Last modified: 2022-09-18


The study aimed to find plants have potential of being molluscicides controlling golden apple snails. This study tested 25 types of plants, as much as 50 grams of each fresh leaf of the plant which was formulated in the form of mashed by grinding without water and mashed using a homogenizer with 1:2 added water. The crushed plant leaves were applied with a concentration of 1 gr/l, 2 gr/l, 3 gr/l, 4 gr/l, and 5 gr/l in a glass jar filled with 1 liter of water, 5 golden apple snails and 5 pieces Gamal leaves as feed of golden aplle snails. Research in RAL with 3 replicates, obserfation of  leaves eaten and the mortality of golden apple snails at 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 JSA. The results showed that rambutan leaves, agave, cashew nuts, nutmeg, guava seeds, and coppeng leaves could inhibit the eating power of the golden apple snail and cause mortality in the golden apple snail .

Key words: golden snail, Pomacea, molluscicide, secondary metabolites.


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