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Muhamad Mustopa Romdhon, ketut sukiyono, musriyadi Nabiu, nola windirah

Last modified: 2022-08-27


The SMEs has a significant role on the economy of Bengkulu Province but they were also faced problems of sustainability. The characteristics of SME processing dried fish are certainly faced with various complex problems. Problems of technology aspects, processing facilities and facilities, human resources for business capital, management also the environment, all of these aspects will in turn lead to the amount of input or acceptance as a guarantee for this business sustainability. Furthermore, the importance of SMEs in the fisheries sector in Bengkulu Province, the quality of the products produced, successful business performance, and the survival rate of SMEs can have a significant impact on the regional economy. The SME sustainability was assessed using the Multi-Dimensional Scaling approach. The 273 respondents were selected at Bengkulu Province.  The SME sustainability index was 57.20% with the status of "fairly sustainable". The sensitive attributes were the legal and institutional, the ecological and the economic dimensions. An actions to ensure business sustainability were develop the capacity building, ease of access to financial, training and consulting, mmanagement of business waste to reduce pollution and business stimulation.

Keywords: Dried fish, sme, sustainability


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